The Oziel Family


 A Living Heritage from Morocco

Mazal Tov's


Mazel Tov to Isaac and Ruth on the birth of their fourth daughter, Eden, Wednesday June 8, 2011. Proud Grandparents are Sam Buzaglo and Naomi Oziel and, Messoud and Esther Bendayan.


Watch Edens' Baby Naming Video

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Myomie and Megan come to visit Mama Noemie just after Myomie's 5th Birthday.

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Mazel Tov to Jimmy and Chana Buzaglo on the birth of their first son. Born on Rosh Chodesh Adar Aleph [Friday February 4, 2011] at 4:31 AM at Mt. Sinai Hospital. Mazel Tov to the proud Grandparents, Naomi Oziel and Sam Buzaglo, Moshe and Batsheva Cohen.
Mazel Tov to Shlomo and Lirane Buzaglo on the birth of their first son, Joseph. Proud Grandparents, Naomi Oziel, Sam Buzaglo
Mazel Tov to Avior and Esther on the birth of their first Daughter, Gabby. Proud Grandparents, Naomi Oziel, Sam Buzaglo, Yossi and Gabby Tito
Mazel Tov to Alan and Jennifer Small on the birth of their first son, Nathan (Noson) Small. Nathan was born Septemeber 5, 2007 and weighed in at 7lbs 4 oz or 3.2885 KG.

Mazel Tov to Isaac and Talia Oziel on the birth of their new Daughter and third child B'H'  Mazel Tov to Joe and Bertha Oziel, grandparents and parents of Isaac

Mazel Tov to Sammy and Vanessa Oziel on the birth of their 1st daughter on July 26 at 11:35 P.M.

Mazel Tov to Esther Ben

Monday September 6, 2005 Esther Ben leaves on her journey to Eretz Yisroel. and to make Aliyah.

The family wishes you lots of Mazel in your endeavors and prays for your well-being.

Esta-Ben, we all love you and will miss you! Be forewarned: We will be coming to visit you soon.


Mazel Tov to Sammy and Chaya Small on the birth of their first son, Justin. Justin was born May 20, 2005


Mazel Tov to Isaac and Ruthy on the birth of their first daughter, Megan (Bracha) Bendayan.


Mazel Tov to Jimmy and Annie Oziel on the birth of Salomon on July 28, 2005. Mazel Tov to Esther, Sam and Sarah on the arrival of their baby brother!

as they get married in

On March 27, 2005 after 7.5 years of which 3 years were an 'engagement', Lanny and Naomi do Kiddushin and make it permenant

Mazel Tov to Morris Oziel and Samara Kaplan!

August 16, 2004

After a very tough year  for the Oziel family, Morris Oziel ties the knot with Samara. The Oziel mishpacha warmly welcomes Samara and the Kaplan family. The wedding was beautifully done.

We all wish Morris and Samara mazel tov for a life filled with happiness (and a few more grandchildren for Ma Esther!!)


Below: Morris and Samara at the Chuppa Ceremony


Mazal Tov to Papi's granddaughter, Ruthy Buzaglo,as she ties the knot!!  The wedding, was on Sunday December 14, 2003. The Entire family wishes a loving Mazel Tov to Ruthy and her new husband, Isaac Bendayan.

Pictured below is the Nocha De Novia on December 13th 2003.

Please click for more pictures taken at the Notcha De Novia

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